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Jobs / Stellen People Management (Flusskreuzfahrtschiffe)

People Management (Flusskreuzfahrtschiffe)


People Management (Flusskreuzfahrtschiffe)
Maritime House
CH-8854 Galgenen
Herr Andy Ignacio Human Resources

Daten & Fakten

People Management (Flusskreuzfahrtschiffe)
People, serving people is based on focusing on the services being provided by our staff. Well-trained staff, that are able to perform throughout Europe in any given scenario. We provide overall expertise and experience in inland shipping hospitality and are proud of quite an array of cruise related activities we may offer. Our people are adventurous young professionals from throughout Europe. All are qualified, experienced, representative, multilingual and hospitality minded. Our People are the embodiment of being guest oriented with a close eye for detail ensuring that your guest’s specific wishes are translated in. Our people will take the ordinary and turn it into the extraordinary ensuring your guests to experience a vacation of a lifetime. We offer true and exceptional service and work on enhancing this constantly. Our people are the key to our success.

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